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    宇宙阴阳 cosmic sex (2015)

    最近更新: 2020-11-17 HD高清



    One night eighteen year old Kripa has a fight with his father over his stepmother. There is an accident.His father dies. He has murdered his father.Scared, he runs away from home.   The night throws up characters and encounters for Kripa. Devi the street walker, Jonaki her transgenderpimp…Kripa is entrapped in the web of love, sex and jealousy. He murders again. Jonaki dies. Kripa runs on.   At dawn Kripa sits by the banks of the river Ganges. The serene river soothes his frayed nerves. A woman emerges out of the water. There is no end to this night. She is his dead mother come alive. He follows her. She takes him into her house. She adopts him as her son. She gives him a new life, another birth. She teaches him to travel inwards into himself using his sexual energy…No one bothers him here… Kripa journeys on…



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