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    娜迦女1 (2015)

    最近更新: 2019-11-17 第62集
    • 主演:MouniRoy / ArjunBijlani / AdaaKhan / SudhaChandran
    • 导演:不详
    • 编剧:未知
    • 分类:海外剧
    • 地区:欧美 
    • 年份:2015 
    • 更新:11.17
    • 简介:Naagin (shape shifting female snake) is a story of love and revenge. Naagin delves into the life of Ritik. Shivanya is stuck between two extreme emotions -- love and vengeance. Shivanya"s friend, Sesa is her support system, but she has an ulterior motive that no one knows about. The constant conflict between love and revenge drive these protagonists together as their lives clash in a coming togeth...... 完整简介请见下方


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    Naagin (shape shifting female snake) is a story of love and revenge. Naagin delves into the life of Ritik. Shivanya is stuck between two extreme emotions -- love and vengeance. Shivanya"s friend, Sesa is her support system, but she has an ulterior motive that no one knows about. The constant conflict between love and revenge drive these protagonists together as their lives clash in a coming together of their past histories.


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