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    漫漫吾日 Mein langsames Leben (2001)

    最近更新: 2024-01-18 高清




    一部超级冷门的德国散文诗电影 ——《漫漫吾日》


      A film about several persons shown in different constellations talking to each other about their inner feelings, relationship problems, future plans, and so on. As the original title ("My slow life") indicates, it is a very slow film with hardly any action at all, more a sequence of still photographs than a movie - even the camera hardly ever moves. Rather, the camera looks for, and finds, beautiful views of silence and peace, thus reflecting what the persons shown are looking for. A very homogeneous, credible film, without any hectic or loud moments. A film for the late evening, with a glass of whisky in your hand



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