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    少女命案疑云 Morte sospetta di una minorenne (1975)

    最近更新: 2024-05-19 DVD
    • 主演:Claudio Cassinelli / Mel Ferrer / Lia Tanzi
    • 导演:Sergio Martino (Sergio Martino)
    • 编剧:未知
    • 分类:喜剧片
    • 地区:意大利 
    • 年份:1975 
    • 更新:05.19
    • TAG:意大利 / 犯罪 / 惊悚 / Giallo / 悬疑 / 1975 / 喜剧 / 意大利电影
    • 别名:Suspected Death of a Minor,The Suspicious Death of a Minor
    • 片长/单集:100分钟
    • 豆瓣评分 6.5 (128票)
    • IMDB评分 6.5 (1,683票)
    • TMDB评分 6.02 (热度:4.53)
    • 简介:看片狂人(www.kpkuang.com)为您奉上意大利电影《少女命案疑云》的免费在线观看,《少女命案疑云》是对白语言为,属于喜剧,犯罪,惊悚类型,目前在豆瓣的评分为6.5分,有128名网友参与打分,最后祝您观影愉快,本页面也会及时添加或更新本片(剧)的最新播放源。以下是剧情简介:   警察侦探保罗·德米和神秘的玛丽莎在舞厅相遇。 Germi毫不怀疑玛丽莎与她一起携带的秘密:不利的条件迫使她卖春。 当Germi发现这个年轻女孩遭到残酷的谋杀,他决定去追杀她的杀手。 在他的调查中,他进入一个阴谋和混淆的世界,留下无尽的血迹.....最后搞成了喜剧


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    This quite rare movie by Sergio Martino is an odd thing. As the title presumes, it starts off like a typical giallo: A man with sunglasses stalks and slashes a young woman. But after the murder, the movie becomes a film in style of the "poliziescho", the Italian crime movie of the 1970s, as the audience follows an undercover cop searching for the killer and also for the kidnappers of a young boy (but the audience doesn't know for a long time either that the cop really is one and that the murder case and the kidnapping rely to each other). All this culminates (within the first half of the movie) in a car chase which offers enough gags to make the scene pure slapstick.After that, the giallo style returns as the sunglassed killer goes on a killing spree. The crime movie is back as the plot unfolds to have its motive in mob-style drug dealing. And let's not forget: The killings have also to do with professional child prostitution and abuse. A really wild mix, even more so if one considers that the film sometimes boosts cheap (if mostly funny) humor.The cool sound track is reminiscent of the early scores by "Goblin" for Dario Argento's films, and it seems that Ernesto Gastaldi, who wrote the story and co-wrote the screenplay with director Martino, was influenced by Massimo Dallamano's great "La Polizia Chiede Aiuto" that was made one year earlier.All in all, this surely is not Martino's best film (his "pure" gialli are more enjoyable), but if one gets used to the unusual concoction of such different topics and styles, it's an entertaining and sometimes hilariously funny, fast paced and thrilling movie that even boosts some harsh social comment.imdb comment



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