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    请再来四杯 Four More Shots Please Season 1 (2019)

    最近更新: 2024-03-16 01
    • 主演:内尔·布法拉姆 / 丽莎·蕾 / 沙尤尼·古普塔 / 米林德·索曼
    • 导演:Anu Menon
    • 编剧:Devika Bhagat / 伊什达·莫衣特拉
    • 分类:欧美剧
    • 地区:印度 
    • 年份:2019 
    • 更新:03.16
    • TAG:女性 / 印度 / 女权 / 印度剧 / 印度电视剧 / LGBT / 2019 / LisaRay / LGBTQ / 看过的电视剧
    • 别名:麻烦,再来四杯,拜托,再来四杯
    • 片长/单集:30分钟
    • 豆瓣评分 8.6 (1978票)
    • IMDB评分 5.8 (39151票)
    • TMDB评分 7.30 (热度:22.01)
    • 简介:看片狂人(www.kpkuang.com)为您奉上印度电视剧《请再来四杯》的免费在线观看,《请再来四杯》是对白语言为英语,属于剧情,喜剧,爱情类型,目前在豆瓣的评分为8.6分,有1978名网友参与打分,最后祝您观影愉快,本页面也会及时添加或更新本片(剧)的最新播放源。以下是剧情简介:这部连续剧讲述了四位有着无可争辩的缺陷的女性的生活,她们各自拥有丰富和稀薄的生活,却又相互赋予了权力。达米尼,这位非常成功的记者和初创企业创始人,尽管董事会为她设置了障碍,但她还是连续获得了四项“无畏记者”奖,但她的个人生活从未稳定下来。最后失去了她真正爱的杰伊,因为一些误解。安贾娜·梅农是一位成功的律师,她一直试图摆脱与卡维娅疏远的丈夫初露头角的恋情,结果在带生病的女儿去医院时,因酗酒和驾车而入狱。乌芒是旁遮普邦的一名教师,来自卢迪亚纳,一名双性恋者经常试图从女朋友给她的分手的痛苦中恢复过来。最后但并非最不重...... 完整简介请见下方




    印度网剧【请再来四杯】第二季 御姐真的好宠小狼狗6—7


    1-4印度剧《请再来四杯》E01 中字




    The series chronicle around the lives of four unapologetically flawed women who have their own share of thick and thin of life yet empower each other.[4] Damini,the very successful journalist and start up founder wins four “fearless journalist” awards in a row despite the board posing hindrances for her but is never stable in her personal life and ends up losing Jeh, whom she truly loves because of some misunderstandings. Anjana Menon, a successful lawyer who constantly tries to get over her estranged husband’s budding romance with Kavya and ends up getting jailed because of drinking and driving while taking her sick daughter to the hospital. Umang, a punjabi PT teacher from ludhiana, and a bisexual constantly tries to recuperate from the pangs of breakup she is given by her girlfriends. And last but not the least, Sidhi patel a very bubbly 23 year old virgin, tries to find out the true meaning of love under the constant interference of her over critical mother Sneha.



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