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    恶名传 悪名伝 (1996)

    最近更新: 2019-12-29 DVD高清


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    Lady-killer Ikki Fujisawa uses his boyish charm and his obvious skill at cunnilingus to habitually seduce and then swindle societally elite women out of millions. Keeping a close eye on Ikki’s adventures in the hope of a slip-up is a thick-skinned detective who resorts to collaborating with a renowned retired conman in his pursuit of this libidinous criminal.The suspenseful “plot” follows Ikki through several gyrating encounters with lovely nudies before the noose slowly tightens around his neck. BUT WAIT!! Could the sheer impact of Ikki’s glowing sexual performance possibly get him off the hook? 少女杀手藤泽一木用他的男孩般的魅力和他明显的舔阴技巧习惯性地引诱和欺骗社会上的精英女性。密切关注Ikki的冒险,希望一个失误是一个厚脸皮的侦探求助于合作一个著名的退休骗子在他的追求这个淫荡的罪犯。这部悬疑的“情节”讲述了Ikki在被套索慢慢勒紧脖子之前,与几个可爱的裸女发生的几次旋转遭遇。但是等等! !伊基的激情四射的性表演可能会让他摆脱困境吗?



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